About Me
Hi, I'm Kai/Kaleb. (They/Them)
I'm an artist, writer, scratch coder, and aspiring animator and media creator.
Just your average teen stuck in the 2000's!!
I have ADHD, anxiety disorder, and SPD
And I'm taken by my lovely bf, Rouge <3
Bday is Jan 12th

[ –13 / 21+ ]
[ Pedos, Zoos, Radqueers, ]
[ Homophobes, Transphobes, Anti-LGBTQ, TERFS, Anti-Xeno, creeps in general. ]
[ Abliests / those who FAKE disorders (I have a huge grudge against them.) ]
[ Racists, Facists, Sexists, Misogyny/Misandry, Nazis, victim blamers, ]
[ NSFW/NSFL poster, Fetishes, Trolls,
[ Darkshippers , Anti-Anti, L0li/Sh0ta -cons, NSFW/Questionable feral , AI "artists", NFTbros ]AND THOSE WHO SUPPORT, PROTECT, JUSTIFY, AND FUCK WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE
☆ Scratch ARG
☆ StarGlitch (Glitchtale AU)
☆ Ubortis lore (worldbuliding)
☆ Blood friends AU rewrite
☆ fnaf-like fangame
☆ Toyhou.se profile
[I swear.. a bit too much.]
[I reclaim the F slur, T slur, and B slur, but I don't use them unless I'm joking.]
[ I constantly forget stuff, please remind me if I owe something to you, or i forgot to do something ]
[ PLEASE use tone tags around me ( ;_; ) I don't pick up tones easily (especially on text) so tone tags would be very much appreciated!! ]
> [ I'm not on discord often, you can ask for my user just don't expect me to be online there 24/7 ]I HAVE BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS
(read below for that)
☆ [ can be mean and cold when I'm in a "mood." And have outbursts of ranting and swearing. I really am I nice person pls don't be scared lol /gen ]
[ - I joke about offing myself sometimes and others (others meaning friends), but sometimes (very rarely) ill have suicidal outburst posts , they're mostly outta stress or personal issues, and it's me venting. If you wish to help, just a simple chat or check up is enough, please don't force me to calm down as it only makes things worse + it triggers some trauma , I take time to cool, please be patient with me. 💜 ]
> [ I am (mostly) non-verbal when im Tired/Stressed/Sad/Annoyed, so if I don't respond to something, please don't think its your fault, its most likely something else. ]
> [ When I see something/Someone I love, or when I have too much positive energy, I will get over-excited and start to act like those car dealership inflatables (stimming), squeal/make unintelligible sounds, type in all caps, and Keyboard smash, please don't mind that, as its my way of expressing myself. ]
> [ If I have done something to hurt you, please express yourself to me, I'll try to make things right <:) ]